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The School Follows The best in State and Central Syllabus and has its own Syllabus ( in keeping with board standards) bringing in refreshing innovation at various stages. The school aims at the 3H system Hand, Head, Heart system. The first five years of a child’s life is focused on the hands and will of the child helping the child to be more of a sensory being. After that, it is the heart or feelings when the ethereal body is developing finally the focus is on the head when the child is ready for intellect. All this is introduced with loving authority in play & learn methodology.

Though a set timetable is followed the needs analysis is maintained. The teacher-student ratio is maintained at the
minimum - giving the teacher enough time for individual attention of the child. Teaching subject is not the only criterion. Emphasis is given on other activities like drawing, painting, singing, dancing recital of slokas & physical activities.
Computer studies are made compulsory and usage of the library is motivated.

Camaraderie rooted in esteem and not fear ensures that students develop a love for school & education. Through our
multifaceted school approach, the thrust is on educating students for life. Value education is given utmost importance. The
teacher values the child unconditionally. The child trusts the teacher and feels safe to express itself. Apart from physical
mental and emotional growth, psychic and spiritual growth is also emphasized.

Universal and perennial values such as compassion, commitment, courage, confidence, self-reliance & love with
intellectual growth is nurtured at Oxford, with simplicity joy and beauty of nature.









Our primary curriculum offers an exciting and creative learning environment with an interdisciplinary appreciation of Language, Mathematics, Science and Social studies on Innovation and integrated subjects.



Active learning techniques like Freeplay, dramatization, singing, dancing, cooking and enhance the learning. Personal social and health education form an integral part of the holistic development of every student. Physical education develops sports skills and creates health awareness. Exposure to team and individual sports develop student's competence and confidence to take part with a sense of team spirit.


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Our secondary curriculum in addition to the knowledge skills develops competence in various skills like problem-solving, collaboration, communication, observation measurement, and the use of information and communication technology. Besides, a strong emphasis on these skills, there is also a drive towards Originality, Creativity, and Independence of thought.

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